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How to Stop Toilet Leaking

How to Stop Toilet Leaking

There could be many different reasons for toilet leaking, which can make it difficult to pinpoint what the problem is. Fixing a toilet that is leaking can be tricky, especially if you are not familiar with general toilet repair. First, to figure out where the toilet is leaking at, you should ask yourself whether or not the toilet is running when it is not supposed to. This can help you work out what the problem is, or it can at least give you an idea of where to start. You might need to replace all of the hardware located in the back of your toilet tank to stop the water from running all of the time. 

Checking for Possible Problems

When you have a toilet that is leaking, you need to make sure that you have checked for all possible problems. Inspecting the float and the inlet valve can help you figure out if either of them are experiencing any technical difficulties. It is the job of the float to let the inlet valve know when to shut off the water. If the float is not doing its job right, water will start to flow into the overflow tube. Flush your toilet and hold the rod that is attached to the float gently. Lift the rod continually until you hear the water stop running. If the water stops running, the problem is not with your inlet valve. If the water stops running when you lift the rod attached to the float, the problem lies with your float. If your toilet is leaking, you might need basement leak repair.

Adjusting the Screw on the Top of the Ballcock

If you want to adjust your float, you should adjust the screw that is located at the top of the ballcock. Adjusting this screw has the potential to stop your toilet leaking all over the place. If you have tested the inlet valve but the water still does not stop, you might have to replace the ballcock. While you can make repairs to the ballcock, it is often easier to change the entire thing. Yet, it is more cost-efficient to repair it. If you do not have experience changing a ballcock, you might want to seek the help of a professional or a friend who is knowledgeable in this area. Replacing a ballcock is not an easy feat to accomplish. 

Repairing a Leaky Toilet Base

Sometimes, the leak you are experiencing could be coming from the base of your toilet. It is common to have leaks in this area. Learning how to fix a leaky toilet can be as simple as reading the instructions on a tube of caulking. Caulking can be one easy way of how to fix a leaky toilet

Seek Professional Help

You might need to hire a professional to help with toilet leaking. Contact DrainCom to learn more detailed information about how to accomplish this process in the quickest amount of time.

What You Need to Know About How to Replace a Sump Pump

What You Need to Know About How to Replace a Sump PumpYou might find yourself wondering how to replace a sump pump if you start to experience issues. While replacing a sump pump that is giving you trouble does not require a degree in rocket science, it can be a process that goes more smoothly if you know what you are doing. You should not wait until after a big storm hits to change or replace your sump pump. Try to pay attention to the performance of your sump pump before you find yourself in deep water, so to speak. The average lifespan of this type of machine is approximately seven to ten years. You will save yourself a lot of time, money, and frustration if you change your sump pump before it gives out completely. 

In-Depth Guide Regarding Changing a Sump Pump

Before the new sump pump installation process can take place, you will need to remove the old sump pump. Two pairs of water pump pliers may be needed to remove the old pump. Once you have unplugged the old pump, you will need to discharge the line that is entering it. The next step is to insert the new pump. You should make sure that the new pump is level or you could be facing a large amount of trouble later on. If you do not know how to replace a sump pump, you should consider asking a professional for help with the task. 

Connecting the Discharge Line to the New Sump Pump

Once the new sump pump is put in place and leveled, you will need to connect the discharge line. If you are unable to reuse the discharge line that came from the old sump pump, you should cut a new piece. Water from the discharge line will not run back into the new pump once it completely cycles off due to a check valve. Since water will not run back into the new pump during the connection of the discharge line, you can expect the lifespan of your new sump pump to be extended even longer. Check to see if the new sump pump you are installing has an integrated check valve. If it does not have one, you might want to consider adding it on because it can be very beneficial when changing the sump pump.

Connect the Outlet Pipe

The outlet pipe will need to be connected to the main discharge line. This is where the use of your tools come in handy. A rubber fitting and hose clamps may be needed for this process. You might also be wondering how to install a sump pump pit. If you do not already know how to install a sump pump pit, you should probably leave the job to professionals. 

Learning More Information 

If you want to learn more about how to replace a sump pump, you should not hesitate to reach out to the professional team at DrainCom. You will have all of your questions answered by real live professionals who know exactly what they are doing when it comes to sump pumps.

A Guide on How to Install a Shower

A Guide on How to Install a ShowerBelieve it or not, there are multiple ways of how to install a shower. How you go about installing a shower depends on a couple of different factors. You have to consider what type of shower you are installing. Installing a square shower is a bit different than installing a single unit kit. Showers that require multiple panels to be installed take a bit more time and effort than other types of showers. If you plan on trying to install a shower, you should be sure to equip yourself with the proper tools. It might not be a bad idea to have a professional plumbing service handy in case you should experience any problems. The process of installing a shower can be easier to accomplish if you have basic plumbing and carpentry skills. 

Basics of Installing a Shower

When you are learning how to install a shower, you might need professional plumbing services to help get through the process. There is nothing wrong with needing a helping hand every now and then. First, you should decide whether you are going to use a shower kit. Using a shower kit can make it easier to install a shower without any help or prior knowledge. The first step in installing a shower is figuring out the location of your pipes. Measuring to determine where your pipes are located is a vital part of the shower installation. You should be sure to measure from the floor to the wall to get a measurement that is accurate. When making any home improvements or repairs, accuracy is everything. 

Steps to Follow When Installing a Shower

When you complete the measuring portion, you should be sure to mark on the wall where your measurements fell. This marking can tell you where you need to put the fixtures on the wall. The following tools and supplies will probably be needed to install any shower type:

  • Level
  • Tile Caulking
  • Saw
  • Electric Drill with Bits
  • Cedar Shims
  • Flat Head and Phillips Head Screwdrivers

Final Steps Before Kit Assembly

You cannot expect to be able to install a shower without the proper tools. Remove all of the old caulking and adhesive before you start to install the shower kit. Sweep the area and clean off the walls. Next, you will want to waterproof the walls before you install the shower. Shower installation should never be done over any type of drywall. The process of shower installation requires you to drill holes in the unit. You will also need to drill holes where you made the markings for the measurements. 

Cutting Holes for the Fixtures

You will need to use the saw to cut holes for the shower fixtures. Be sure to cut holes that are the right size. Holes that are too big can cause your fixtures to leak or not be held in place properly. Knowing how to install a shower can allow you to do the job yourself. Attach the unit to the wall and screw in the screws. Seal all seams with the caulking you have. Contact DrainCom to get immediate help on your drain issues.

Detailed Guide on How to Drain a Hot Water Tank

Detailed Guide on How to Drain a Hot Water TankLearning how to drain a hot water tank can be an easy process, especially if you are equipped with the right tools and skills. The water heater is something that most people do not give much thought to until it starts giving them problems. A lot of people do not know that routinely draining their water heater can help extend its overall lifetime. Water heaters that are drained regularly also tend to function better than those that are not drained. Grit, sand, and other debris can settle at the bottom of your water heater’s tank. The buildup of minerals in the water can also settle at the bottom of the tank. While just a little bit of sediment buildup will not cause an issue with your water heater, eventually, the effectiveness of your water heater can be compromised. 

Guide on How to Drain a Hot Water Tank

The first thing you will need to do is to turn off the water that runs to your water heater. You do not want to drain the water heater while it still has access to fresh water. The next step is to turn off your water heater. If you have a gas water heater, you need to turn it on pilot. An electric water heater will need to be turned off directly at the breaker. Turning off your water heater at the breaker can be a great way to ensure a safe working environment. Once you have turned off the power supply to your water heater, you can then take the next step in the process of draining it. Be sure to check for a clogged drain.

Attaching a Hose to the Drain Valve

The next step to follow when attempting to drain your water heater tank is to attach a garden hose to the drain valve. Some people have a hard time finding the drain valve, but it can easily be located near the bottom of the tank. Some models of water heaters can have covers that go over the drain valve. Once you have attached the hose to the drain valve of the water heater, you will need to take the other end of the hose somewhere appropriate for the water to drain out at. You can use buckets, but it is a long and complicated process compared to using a simple standard garden hose. If you absolutely have to use buckets, be sure to not burn yourself with the water. The water being drained will be extremely hot and can cause serious damage to your skin. 

Turn on the Tap

When you drain hot water tank, you need to make sure that you take safety precautions. While you drain hot water tank, you should turn on the tap that is located close to the water heater. 

The amount of time that the process takes can vary greatly. Learning how to drain a hot water tank by yourself can help you save the money it would cost you to hire a professional. If you want to learn more information, you should contact DrainCom.

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