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How to Unclog Drains: Natural Remedies to Fix Clogged Drains

How to Unclog Drains: Natural Remedies to Fix Clogged DrainsA clogged drain can be a real inconvenience, regardless if it is the kitchen or bathroom sink, shower, or bathtub. Yet, it is something that we have all encountered at one time or another. There are safe and natural ways of how to unclog drains without the use of harsh chemicals.

Below are some methods of drain cleaning that will not harm your plumbing. If these methods do not work, you might need professional drain service Toronto

How to Unclog Drains Safely

Firstly, it is important to understand some of the reasons as to why your drains might be clogged in the first place. Then, you can proceed using one of these methods of how to unclog drains naturally.

Things that cause clogged drains:

  • Grease
  • Food remains
  • Coffee grounds
  • Leaves, dirt, and other debris
  • Hair
  • Foreign objects, such as children’s toys, makeup residue, hygiene products, and the like
  • Toothpaste, bath salts, soap residue, etc.

But you do not have to worry, nor do you have to spend a lot of money on those nasty chemical products that are not only toxic but also harmful to your plumbing and the environment. The following are some of the most effective natural ways to unclog your drain with simple ingredients that you most likely already have in your home.

DIY Methods of Fixing a Drain Clog

White Vinegar and Baking Soda Method

One of the safest and easiest ways to fix a clogged drain is to use a baking soda and vinegar. Take ½ cup of baking soda and equal quantity of white vinegar (apple cider vinegar will work as well) and pour this mixture slowly down the clogged drain. Next, plug the sink and allow the mixture to sit for up to sixty minutes. Finally, boil a pot of water and carefully pour it down the drain. You might need to repeat this process a few times to resolve the issue. 

*This method also works on clogged toilets for the most part.

Dish Detergent and Hot Water

This is another cost-effective and simple method of fixing a clogged drain. All you need to do is to boil two liters of water and add a few drops of liquid (never use powdered) dish detergent. Slowly and carefully pour the mixture down the clogged drain. Again, you might need to repeat this process several times, but it is one of the best ways to safely break down grease and other residues.

Tips to Prevent Drain Clogs in the Future

Now that we have given you two proven ways to fix a clogged drain, here are some tips to prevent future clogs.

  • Once a month, flush all of your drains with a combination of white or apple cider vinegar and hot water.
  • Install drain catchers in your drains. Be sure to clean them regularly to prevent build-up.
  • Clean your drains regularly.
  • Never pour grease down your sink drain. Keep in mind that such items as shortening, butter, and even natural cooking oils, like olive oil, coconut oil, and vegetable oil, can also cause drain clogs.

If you have tried the above methods of how to unclog drains and you are still having the issue, contact DrainCom. We will send a licensed plumber out to resolve the problem. Call us anytime for reliable solutions for all of your plumbing concerns.

Plumbing Guide: How to Use a Pipe

Plumbing Guide How to Use a PipeNeed to install a CPVC plumbing pipe but now sure how? Most homeowners can complete this process with the help of some simple step-by-step instructions. The following guide will show you how to use a pipe.

If you do not feel confident enough to complete the process yourself, contact one of the many professional plumbers in Mississauga. But we are certain that this guide will be helpful. 

Use the Following Tools And Materials As Well As This Guide On How to Fit Pipe:

  • Brush Cleaning Tool
  • Crimp Rings
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • PVC Primer
  • Safety Goggles/Glasses
  • Soldering Pad

How to Use a Pipe

  1. Measure the length of the pipe.
  2. Mark the pipe and use the pipe cutter to cut it to the correct length, making sure to use a square cut. Remember to leave enough pipe so the fitting is snug. It is best to use a ratchet cutter when cutting PVC. 
  3. Clean the pipe before soldering to prevent the metal from oxidizing, as this will cause it to not adhere properly. Using a wire brush or emery cloth, scrub past the fitting area. Next, slide the brush tool into the pipe itself, rotating a few times to ensure that the area is shiny and free of debris. Coat the inside of the fitting with flux to etch the surface to ensure that the solder will adhere.
  4. After making the cut, be sure to remove all the burrs from the pipe both inside and out using a small knife. Use a PVC cleaner for the final cleaning.
  5. It is now time to sweat or solder the joint. Put on the safety glasses and carefully light the torch of the soldering pad by opening the gas and gently pressing the igniter button, while adjusting the flame to maximize the blue flame.
  6. Spool out approximately 1’ of solder. On the joint, move the flame back and forth to keep it moving around the filling to ensure that the heating is uniform. When the pipe is a shiny copper color and the flux has started to melt, it is time to apply the solder by touching the lip onto the pipe. If the temperate is right, the solder will melt into the joint.
  7. Apply the solder, working from the lowest to the highest point of the pipe. If the pipe is not hot enough, move the flame back and forth again, but  do not overheat the joint. Before the solder cools, wipe the joint. Allow it to cool before testing it.
  8. Once the solder is completely dry, apply a thick coat of cement inside the fitting as well as around the pipe. Put the fitting into the pipe straight away, making about a ½ turn to ensure that the cement is distributed evenly. Hold the pipe in place for a few minutes and then allow it to dry for up to two hours. 

Do you need further assistance with figuring out how to use a pipe? Give us a call at DrainCom and we can send out one of our licensed plumbers to assist you.

Plumbing Guide for Homeowners: How to Repair Cast Iron Drain Pipe

Plumbing Guide for Homeowners: How to Repair Cast Iron Drain PipeAre there cracks in your sewer drain but you do not want to cut up your backyard to replace your sewer drains? Do you want to know how to repair a cast iron pipe without worrying about escalation and high plumbing costs?

Below are three methods of drain repair, from the most inexpensive to the most costly and time-consuming. Of course, you will have to decide which method will work best for you. It is always best to consult a professional plumber to confirm before you start the process.

How to Repair Cast Iron Drain Pipe: Three Most Popular Methods

  • Trenchless Pipe Lining

This is the most popular way to repair a pipe drain, as it does not require any digging or excavation. Essentially, the pipe is cleaned from the outside of the home using a pipe drain snake machine or hydro jetting machine. Then, a video inspection camera will be used to measure the length of the pipe and to pinpoint the location of the incoming connections. Finally, the lining will be fitted and installed into the piping using a rope or bale containing a temporary balloon that has been inflated to approximately 15 psi. About 3 hours later, the pipe will be removed and the new permanent pipe line will be installed into the old pipe.

  • Pipe Bursting

In this method, a conical head designed of tough metal is pulled through the pipe using a winch that holds the new HDPE pipe (high-density polyethylene pipe) that will replace the damaged pipe. However, in the process, the incoming pipe connection will have to be manually replaced by excavating through the floor. This makes this method more expensive and time-consuming. Also, if the soil is tough, the pipe bursting head may not pass through without difficulty, which could wreak havoc with the overall process.

  • Dig Through the Floor to Replace the Drain Pipe

Of all the methods, this is the most time-consuming as well as the most costly one. It will take at least two weeks to dig up all the concrete and through the soil and then finally replace both once the job is completed. During this process, water and calcium carbonate crystals will be excreted, which prevents you from placing tile or carpet on the area until the job is completed. Not to mention that you will need to acquire the proper permits for the excavation process as well as schedule pipe inspections. You are then responsible for any repairs if you do not pass the initial inspection. Many homeowners have to stay with friends or relatives or in a hotel until the job is completed, which adds to the initial expense and can be quite an inconvenience. 

Contact DrainCom if you need any more advice on how to repair cast iron drain pipe. We can advise you as to which of the above methods will work best for your home. Call us today for all of your plumbing issues.

How to Fix a Clogged Toilet: DIY Guide for Homeowners

How to Fix a Clogged Toilet DIY Guide for HomeownersA clogged toilet is something that every homeowner has to deal with from time to time. Sure, it can be an inconvenience, especially if it is overflowing. But you do not always have to call a plumber to fix the problem. There are some simple fixes to save you a few dollars and a lot of hassle.

We have provided three easy DIY methods to fix a clogged toilet. Besides, these may also work with a clogged drain. If the problem is not resolved with these methods, you should contact a licensed plumber. 

How to Fix a Clogged Toilet

The first thing you need to do before attempting the following clogged toilet solutions is to turn off the water valve to prevent the toilet from overflowing. Simply, remove the lid and shut the flapper off. An overflowing toilet is messy and should be avoided at all costs. Moreover, you should have some old towels or rags handy to clean up any mess afterward.

  • Plunge the Toilet

As most homes are equipped with a toilet plunger, you are most likely familiar with how to properly use a plunger. A plunger with a flange will work best on a clogged toilet. You should wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from getting contaminated. First, you will stick the plunger into the bowl of the toilet. Next, gently push the plunger down without being too forceful. Once you are certain that you have a secure seal, use a bit more force until the clog is removed.

  • Hot Water and Dish Soap

If plunging your toilet does not solve the issue, this method is both quick and resourceful. Squirt a very small amount of liquid dish soap into the toilet. Next, heat up a gallon of water but do not boil it. Carefully carry the water over to the toilet bowl and pour it in. This should soften and dissolve the clog for you without the use of harsh and toxic chemicals.

  • Vinegar and Baking Soda

Another proven way to fix a clogged toilet is to use a non-toxic and natural combo of white vinegar and baking soda. This method also works on both clogged sink and shower drains. 

Pour 1 cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl and allow it to sit for no less than 20 minutes. Then, pour 2 cups of white or apple cider vinegar into the toilet bowl. You will notice that the mixture of baking soda and vinegar will begin to fizzle. Wait for a few minutes and check to see if the water level has in fact lowered before flushing the toilet. 

Methods two and three might have to be repeated a few times for more stubborn clogs. If they do not work after several attempts, try letting the mixtures sit overnight.

Call DrainCom if you still cannot unclog the toilet or if you have any other questions on how to fix a clogged toilet. We are happy to assist you with any plumbing issues that may arise.

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