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How to Unclog a Toilet: 3 DIY Methods to Try Before Calling a Plumber

Toilets are one of those things that people rarely think about until they become an issue. An overflowing or clogged toilet can be extremely inconvenient, especially if you only have one bathroom in your residence. Most people have a general idea of how to unclog a toilet, while others would not know where to start other than panic.

In the following blog, we shall give some tips on how to unclog your bathroom toilet. Check out our site for toilet installation and other plumbing information.

3 DIY Methods to Unclog Your Toilet

Obviously, since most of us are not certified plumbers, we know very little about plumbing, including toilet installation Toronto. Luckily, in most cases, unclogging a toilet is not a major issue. However, if the problem gets out of hand, do not hesitate to call a professional plumber. 

The first thing you need to do is to stop the toilet from overflowing STAT! You need to either shut the water valve off behind the toilet or prevent the water from filling the bowl via the tank. To do so, remove the lip, close and shut the open flapper. 

Method 1: Use a Plunger

Most homeowners own a plunger and know how to use it. The best plunger to use for a clogged toilet is the one that has a flange. If you have rubber gloves, it is advisable to wear them to prevent contamination. Place the plunger in the toilet bowl and gently push down. Using too much force when plunging can cause you to slosh the dirty toilet water all over yourself. Once you have a good seal, use a little more force to continue plunging and keep doing so until the clog is loosened. 

Method 2: Baking Soda & Vinegar

If plunging does not work, you can use a natural and non-toxic combination of baking soda and vinegar (this method works well on clogged drains as well). First, you pour baking soda (1 cup) into the clogged toilet. Wait at least twenty minutes and then pour apple cider vinegar or white vinegar (2 cups) into the toilet. The mixture of baking soda and vinegar will start to fizzle. Give the solution a few minutes to work, wait to see if the water level has lowered, and then flush the toilet. 

You may have to repeat this procedure several times for stubborn clogs. For those clogs that are especially stubborn, you may have to allow the mixture to sit overnight.

 Method 3: Dish Soap & Hot Water

If you do not have baking soda or vinegar readily available, you can use hot (not boiling) water and dish soap (liquid, not powder). Squirt a small amount of dish soap into the toilet. Next, heat up a gallon of water on the stove; do NOT bring to a boil. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, pour the hot water into the toilet bowl. This combination will soften the clog.

If you tried the above ways of how to unclog a toilet and they did not solve the issue, do not hesitate to call DrainCom. We will solve any plumbing issues you may have, from clogged toilets to burst pipes!

5 Methods of Exterior Basement Waterproofing for Toronto Area Homeowners

Is your basement a focal room in your home? Do you want to protect it from flooding and other weather damage? Internal waterproofing will help prevent many issues, but for extra peace of mind and added protection, homeowners in Toronto should also do exterior basement waterproofing as an extra precaution.

Whether your basement is a storage area, laundry room, workout room, or additional living space, such as a great room, craft room, playroom, or media room, basement waterproofing can prevent water damage and protect your home. In the following article, we will provide you with some solutions for exterior waterproofing for your basement. 

Exterior Basement Waterproofing: 5 Best Solutions

Repairing Any Existing Structural Damage

One of the best methods of waterproofing Toronto, especially when it comes to basements, is repairing any cracks or structural damage to the exterior of your property. You should take care to repair any inconsistencies in the foundation, especially the walls. Repair any damage to the foundation of the basement before you install any exterior drainage systems or reseal the foundation. 

Correcting Ground Slopes Outside of the Basement Walls

In order to prevent flooding or other damage, you could correct the slope of the ground surrounding the basement walls. For the best protection, the ground slope should be a distance of five feet from the exterior of the basement walls and at an angle of at least ten degrees. This should lower the chance of water pooling. Pooled water will eventually enter the basement walls as it seeps into the ground.

Installing Gutters and Downspouts

The roof of your home is an essential part of exterior basement waterproofing. It protects both the exterior and interior of your home, as directing water away from your home is one of the best defenses against flooding or water damage. 

Be sure to properly install gutters and downspouts, as the correct drainage to the external drainage system will keep it from entering the basement of your home. If you already have a drainage system on your roof, make sure to thoroughly inspect for blockages or any other damages. As your gutters tend to get backed up with dirt, leaves, and other debris, cleaning them regularly can help prevent any issues. In addition, it is recommended to install gutter cover for added protection. 

Installing External Drainage Systems

To install an exterior drainage system, you must dig into the soil located next to the walls of your basement and install drainage pipes and boards against those walls. This will redirect the water away from the basement walls. Keep in mind that this method can be a bit costly, but it is most effective for those basements in which the exterior walls are below the ground level. 

Sealing the Foundation Walls

Another method of exterior basement waterproofing is to seal the foundation of your home with the proper waterproofing materials. You should inspect this waterproofing regularly to see if there are any areas that are damaged and need to be repaired or replaced. This exterior waterproofing is one of the best ways to keep water from entering your basement. 

These methods of exterior basement waterproofing along with regular internal waterproofing should protect your basement from any damage from flooding or other weather conditions.

Contact DrainCom if you have any further questions regarding either internal or external basement waterproofing. Our expert staff can advise you as to which method is the best for your Toronto area home. Call us today for any waterproofing or plumbing issues you may have.

How to Repair a Sink Drain: Helpful Tips for Homeowners

For homeowners, clogged or leaking sinks can be a real problem. However, you do not always need to call a plumber straight away. If you can follow a few simple steps on how to repair a sink drain, you can avoid costly plumbing fees.

There may be some instances in which you need to contact a plumber for drain repair, but first, you should try the methods discussed below.

How to Repair a Sink Drain:

Tips to Try before Calling a Plumber

How to Repair a Sink Drain: Fixing a Clogged Drain

In most cases, you can fix a clogged drain on your own. However, leaking drains may present more of a challenge. If you do not know how to repair leaking sink drain, you should enlist the help of a plumber. Following are some tips to help you fix a clogged drain.

  • Use a plunger: In most cases, a plunger will work when fixing a clogged drain, especially for solid blockages. However, plungers are not effective to unblock grease or mineral deposits.
  • Flush the drain using boiling (or hot) water: Along with plunging, this is one of the most effective ways to fix a clogged drain, mainly grease or food blockages. Keep in mind that boiling water should never be used on PVC pipes!
  • Use a snake: This method is effective in that the coils on the plumber’s snake can chip away at the blockage. Make sure to use them properly or else they could damage your pipes.
  • DIY Natural Cleaner: A natural cleaner (such as baking soda and white vinegar) is one of the safest and most effective ways to fix a clogged drain. Pour one cup of baking soda down the drain, followed with a cup of white vinegar. Cover it and allow the mixture to sit for thirty minutes before flushing it with hot water. 

If none of these methods work to fix the clog, contact your plumber as soon as possible to prevent the pipes from bursting. 

How to Repair a Sink Drain: Sink Stopper

If your drain is not clogged or your sink will not hold water when the stopper is in place, you may need to check the sink stopper using the following steps:

  • Using a flashlight, locate the stopper handle under the sink at the back. It is connected to a metal vertical rod. When the handle is pulled or pushed, it operates the below horizontal pivot rod that keeps the drainage joint watertight.
  • Now find the rear end of the pivot rod, attached to the vertical rod. Squeeze the bendable clip that holds this rod to the clevis.
  • Slip the pivot rod out and move it down a spot or two on the clevis. Move it up to tighten it. 

If this method does not work to fix the drain stopper, you might need to have it repaired or replaced. You should call your local plumbing service for assistance. 

If you have any questions on how to repair a sink drain, contact Drain Com. Our professionally trained plumbers can assist you with any of your plumbing needs from leaking drains to blocked pipes to running toilets.

Drain Cleaning: Benefits and DIY Methods

As a homeowner in Mississauga, you have inevitably had to deal with a clogged drain at some point. Whether it is backed up with food particles, hair, or other items, you have to find a way to safely unclog your drain. Did you know that regular drain cleaning can help prevent clogged drains?

Here are some natural DIY cleaners for your drain so you will not have to call for drain repair Mississauga. Moreover, we will tell you why it is beneficial to clean your drains to prevent any further issues. 

Drain Cleaning: Why Is It Necessary?

You might be wondering why regular drain cleaning is even necessary. Well, the first and most obvious reason is that it prevents drain repair Mississauga. Repairing problematic clogged drains or, worse yet, burst pipes can be quite troublesome and costly. Here are some other benefits of cleaning your drains.

  • Prevent Hard Water Issues

Deposits on your pipes are most often caused by hard water. Regular drain cleaning can help dissolve these deposits while maintaining proper water pressure. In this way, your pipes will be less likely to corrode due to hard water calcium deposits.

  • Prolong the Lifespan of Your Plumbing

Drain cleaning also protects your system from decaying pipes. This will prevent excess wear and tear, which then prevents costly repairs or replacing your pipes.

  • Get Rid of Unpleasant Odors

Cleaning your drains regularly will remove any organic matter that can cause foul odors. This can lead to such issues as bug infestation and mold issues if not resolved.

  • Helps Prevent Future Drain Clogs

Routine drain cleaning can also prevent possible clogs in the future. This will help keep them in proper working condition so you will not run into any issues down the line.

Next, we will present you with some safe and simple methods of drain cleaning that you can easily do at home on your own.

3 Natural Methods of Drain Cleaning

Always make sure your sink is clear of any items, such as dishes, rags, etc. before cleaning your drain. In addition, clear the area around the sink in case of accidental splashes. 

  • Hot Water & Dish Soap

First, boil approximately two liters of water. Mix in a few tablespoons of dish soap (liquid, not powder). Do not use too much or it will make a mess. Carefully, carry the mixture over to the sink and pour it down the drain. It may take several attempts but it is a great way to remove grease buildup from your drains.

  • Borax, Salt, and Vinegar

Make a mixture of one-quarter cup of Borax and one-quarter cup of salt and pour down the drain. Add a half cup of vinegar. Next, carefully pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. Allow it to sit for an hour or until it dissolves or clears on its own.

  • Baking Soda & Vinegar

This is also a great way to fix a clogged drain or even a clogged toilet. First, pour one half of a cup of baking soda down the drain. Next, pour one half of a cup of white or apple cider vinegar. Plug the drain and allow the mixture to sit for an hour. 

After an hour, remove the plug and carefully pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. Continue doing so until the drain is clear.

Should you have any further questions about drain cleaning or other plumbing issues, please contact DrainCom. We will gladly assist you with any and all of your home plumbing issues.

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