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Drain Camera

Looking for Drain Camera Inspection in Toronto? DrainCom is a Long-Time, Trusted, Experienced Member in Your Community.

Buying a new home is an exciting experience. You can finally experience the pride and satisfaction of homeownership.

At DrainCom, we have been providing drain services for homeowners in Toronto and the GTA and we know through our extensive experience how important the drain system of your new home is. We also know how intrusive and how expensive the repairs can be.

DrainCom highly recommends to new homeowners to have video camera inspection of your drains arranged with your home inspection. Even if the previous owners have never had any problems with the drains it does not mean that you do not have to worry about the drains and do not have to have the video camera inspection of the drains.

Contact DrainCom Today
Basement Waterproofing & Drain Repair Services
Free Estimate 905-238-6800

DrainCom video camera can prevent you a nightmare!

Drains problems could start at anytime and can turn the excitement of home ownership into a nightmare. The elements of this nightmare could be:

  • a flooded basement
  • backed up drains
  • a very strong sewagesmell in the house
  • ruined furniture and damaged floors

At a majority of older homes in Toronto, the sanitary and storm sewer systems are combined together which means the basement can be severely flooded during heavy rain. Given the weather conditions in the GTA these last couple of years, this remains a highly likely occurrence.


What a great innovation where in the past, we were flying blind!! It is unbelievable how many homeowners suffer the misery of a sewer back up which could have been prevented by inspection.

One of the most common causes is tree roots and if you have mature trees on your front lawn, you are more than likely to eventually become a victim.

Paying someone to do visual inspections of your sewer line is much cheaper than having your yard dug up and repaired when you don’t really know where to start.

With the camera not only can they see the problem but also give a pretty darn accurate assessment of how far out it is and know where to dig. In most cases, they will also know what material was installed on your property by the type of connector used to join the pipes. (At the most one length is only 3 ft long)

You may also find out that part of your line has collapsed under the pressure of backfilling and creating a blockage.

In any event, since we have the technology to prevent disasters, why not use it! We at DrainCom recommend video camera inspection of the drain system not only for older homes but for newer houses as well. This is to make sure that nothing is stuck inside of the drain pipe which would stop the flow and in turn cause a backed up drain and flooding. It is much better to rest assured after a complete drain inspection rather than take a gamble.

In the long run, it could save you and your insurance company a fortune in repairs.

We at Draincom.com believe that preventative maintenance is the best battle plan.

Use Sewer camera inspection to your advantage.

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