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How to Open a Clogged Drain

Clogged drains are not to be ignored. Though it’s just accumulated food and grime that leads to blocked drains, if left unattended, it can lead to hundreds of dollars in repair costs. This is why it’s better to nip problems in the bud and clear the clogged drain. While its better calling Toronto specialists to clear clogged drains, you can try doing it yourself it it’s a small problem.

4 Top tips on how to open clogged drain pipes

Here are some suggestions on how to open clogged drain pipes:

1. Straighten and then bend an end of a wire coat hanger to make a small hook and push it past the drain cover to start fishing. The hook picks up the debris and some gunk blocking the drain which you have to pull, and not push in further. Once you remove as much as possible, pouring some hot water should clear the drain.

2. Boiling some water and slowly pouring it into the drain is one of the easiest ways to clear clogged drains. Let the water stand for a few seconds before pouring in hot water again so that the water has time to work on the gunk.

3. You can also try mixing equal portions of baking soda and vinegar in a cup and immediately pouring the fizzing mixture into the clogged drain. It’s the fizz that helps remove the accumulated grime and gunk. Let it sit overnight or at least for an hour, and then flush with hot water.

4. A wet and dry vacuum also works wonders at unclogging drains. Set it to vacuum liquids and create a tight seal over the drain. If required, use an old plunger head to create a tight seal. Run the vacuum on its highest setting so that it pulls the clog into the pipe and into the vacuum bag. Cover the vent as this can get messy,

Signs that you need professional help to open a clogged drain pipe:

It’s not always possible for you to unclog blocked drains. There are some cases where it’s better if you call the drain specialists to handle the job, especially if you notice the following signs:

· Recurring clogging may mean that you are not successfully unclogging the drain, which is why you have to call the experts. Failing to do so can lead to a major problem which will lead to more expenses for you.

· If there are multiple clogged drains at home, there may be a blockage in the main sewer line. as you can’t clean the main sewer line; it’s better left to the experts.

· If water seems to pass slowly through the drains, then it may indicate the early stages of a clog. The pipes may have narrowed with the accumulation of minerals or grease or your drainage system may have been improper graded. If this is not taken care of immediately, it can escalate into a major plumbing problem.

Toronto drain specialists have the necessary tools and expertise to unclog any sort of blocked drains. Besides, they also know the best course of action to take to quickly remove the block so that you can get back to using your sink again.

Wet Basements Mean Trouble for Toronto Home Owners

The installation of a good drainage system on the inside and outside is important to keep your Toronto home dry and ensuring you will not have a problem with a wet basement or flooding.

A wet basement is not a do it yourself project. A proper assessment of cause and required repairs is essential to prevent and deal with any mold issues. Mold can develop within 24 hours of the appearance of water damage.

It is best to obtaining the opinion if a trained, educated waterproofing specialists, which is the first step in solving your wet basement problems. This will give you information on what is causing your basement to leak water, why it is happening, and what your options for basement repair are.

More than 90% of the wet basements leak water from the walls and the joint where the floor and wall meet.Basements rarely leak water up through the floor, although this can happen in some cases.

If the subsurface or ground water level is close to the underside of the concrete floor slab, water rises through the slab by capillary action, and you will have a wet basement. If the subsurface or ground water level is higher than the basement floor, water leaks in through the walls and floor, causing standing water in the basement and, at times, dampness in the rooms above

Whether you live in Toronto or in a rural community, having a damp basement can be a problem. Finding the right solutions can be an even bigger problem. The right company to help you in this journey will make everything easer.

Some people may think that being on Toronto’s water and sewer, a sump pump is not requirement to ensure that you don’t get a wet basement. Not so every situation requires a professional assessment. A dampness can mean one of several things, or a combination of possibilities. From a cracked foundation to a leaking window well, the right answer can save big in the end.

You can also end up with a wet basement as the result of a city water main on overload. This can cause a back flow into your basement. To solve a problem with back flow, the installation of a backflow prevention valve will fix the problem avoiding future issues.

If your Toronto home does not have gutters installed, this is a classic wet basement problem. If you do have gutters and your downspouts drainage is next to your foundation, this is another common cause of this issue. Extending the downspout so it drains eight feet from your foundation will correct this problem.

What happens is, as the soil around the foundation becomes water-saturated, hydrostatic pressure forces water through joints where the floor and wall of your home meet.  A proper weeping tile will prevent water seepage and keep this from happening.

A wet basement can also be cause because the ground is flat or slopes toward the house. Slope the ground away from the outside foundation (about one inch per foot). This will direct the rain and melting snow away from the foundation.

Water problems can happen at any time you may never have dealt with water problems before then spring comes and all of a sudden, you have a problem.

First check that you have a functional sump pump and once you have determined that your sump pump is working and you still have a wet basement Call a drain specialist. You won’t regret it.

Downtown Areas servicing:  East York, Allen Road, Eglinton, North York, Lawrance area, Yonge Street, Toronto. Also: Oakville, Mississauga, North York, Etobicoke and the GTA.

So, if your Toronto home is suffering from a wet basement call a professional and have it fixed right the first time, you will save in the end. (416)989-5757.

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