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How to Clean Sink Drain: Advice for Homeowners

Every homeowner in Toronto will have to deal with a clogged drain at one time or another. Drain clogs can be a pain, but you do not always have to call a plumber to fix the issue. If you know how to clean sink drain, you can solve the issue as well as prevent it from happening again. 

If the methods listed below do not solve the issue, you might have to contact a plumber for drain repair Toronto. Hopefully, one of these methods can easily resolve the issue. Should you need assistance, it is always best to get professional advice. Keep reading to find out DIY methods for drain cleaning to prevent and fix clogged drains.

Why You Should Clean Your Sink Drain

Keeping your sink drain clean and clear of debris can save many costly repairs down the line. This includes how to install sink drain should yours become damaged beyond repair. Following are some of the primary benefits of cleaning your sink drain. 

  • Stop nasty odors

Regular cleaning of your sink drain will dispose of any food or other particles that can lead to an unpleasant odor. In addition, it can lead to such issues as mold and bug and/or insect problems.

  • Keep your pipes in good working condition and prevent future issues

Cleaning the sink drain will prolong the life of your pipes and drainage system. This will keep the pipes from decaying that can lead to costly repairs. In addition, it can help prevent future drain clogs and other issues.

  • Stop issues from hard water

Hard water deposits can form on your pipes over time, which can cause extensive damage. Regularly cleaning your sink drain will get rid of these deposits making them less prone to corrosion from hard water and calcium deposits.

How to Clean Sink Drain with Natural DIY Cleaners

Borax, Salt, and Vinegar

Pour a mixture of ¼ cups salt and ¼ cup Borax down the drain, followed by ½ cup of white vinegar. Finally, pour a pot of boiling water in the drain and allow it to sit in the plugged sink for at least an hour or until it has completely dissolved.

Baking Soda & Vinegar

This method is one of the best for fixing both clogged toilets and sink drains. First, you would pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by ½ cup of apple cider or white vinegar. Plug the sink and let it sit for an hour. Pour a pot of boiling water down the sink drain until the drain is completely clear.

Hot Water & Dish Soap 

This method is easy and effective. Boil 2 liters of water and mix it with a few tablespoons of liquid dish soap (do not use too much as it will just create a bubbly mess). Pour the mixture carefully down the drain. You may have to repeat this process several times, but it is one of the best ways to remove any grease buildup in your sink drain.

If the above methods do not resolve the issues, you should contact a plumber for assistance.

DrainCom can answer any of your questions about how to clean sink drain or any other plumbing issues. Call us today with all of your plumbing needs for quick and expert service.

What Is Weeping Tile? Helpful Facts for Homeowners

Drainage issues are not always easy to detect, so it is wise to do as much waterproofing as you can on your own to avoid any problems down the line. Is a weeping tile one of the best waterproofing methods to prevent issues with your drainage system? What is weeping tile and how does it work?

In the following article, we shall explain the benefits of a weeping tile. Consult your local plumbing company for information on the weeping tile cost and any other questions that may arise.

What Is Weeping Tile?

Developed in 1849 by Henry Flagg French, the weeping tile drainage system is composed of 4-inch porous pipes that are used for drainage. Today, they are designed of PVC, but originally they were made of terracotta tiles. Modern weeping tile pipes have small slits or “weep holes”, which are used to redirect water away from your home.

Here is a brief description of how to install weeping tile:

The weeping tile pipes are installed into a trench that runs on the outside perimeter of the home (an exterior weeping tile) or under the basement floor on the inside of the home (an interior weeping tile) The groundwater will then flow through the holes into the weeping tile as it rises, then following the incline of the pipes away from the home. Moreover, it can run to a sump pump system.

Why Is a Weeping Tile Necessary?

  • Protect Your Home from Surface Water

Surface water is a potential hazard for homeowners. It can lead to soil erosion as well as pooling in low-lying areas of your property. A weeping tile will redirect the water from such areas or even divert it altogether.

  • Protect Your Home from Foundation Damage

Soil that has been over-saturated with water can cause hydrostatic pressure on your home’s foundation. Weeping tile drainage will relieve this pressure, thus preventing damage to the foundation of your home.

  • Keep Your Basement Dry

No homeowner wants to deal with water damage or flooding in their basement. A weeping tile can effectively redirect and prevent this water from entering your basement waterproofing.

  • Protect Retaining Walls

Retaining walls are used to prevent erosion. Also, they can increase the amount of usable land on your property. It is imperative to protect the retaining wall from water pressure that may build up due to excessive saturation. A toe drain, or a weeping tile drainage system, should be behind the retaining wall, near the footing, to prevent this from happening. 

While it could be a bit costly to initially install the weeping tile system, it is undoubtedly a wise investment. A properly installed and maintained weeping tile drainage system can prevent the damage to your property, basement, and foundation, which can save you a great deal of money in the long run.

Still confused as to what is weeping tile? Contact DrainCom to see if a weeping tile system will benefit your home. Call us today for all of your plumbing and drainage needs.

What Is Basement Waterproofing and What Type Is the Best for My Home?

What is basement waterproofing and why is it necessary? And, what type of waterproofing is the best for my home? Have these questions been plaguing you as a Canadian homeowner?

In the following blog, we shall answer these questions as well as explain the different types of waterproofing, including basement waterproofing. Keep reading to find out more.

What Is Basement Waterproofing?

Waterproofing is the process in which a structure is made to be water-resistant. This will protect the structure from water damage from weather and other similar conditions. Primarily, such rooms as basements, kitchens, roofs, water tanks, bathrooms, and the overall structure of your home should be waterproofed.

Contact your local plumbing agency if you have any questions on how to do waterproofing, as it is not something you should attempt on your own. 

Why Should I Waterproof My Home?

There are several reasons why homeowners should waterproof their home. If left unsealed, these issues could cause such problems as extensive water damage, mold and mildew issues and even lead to damage to the foundation of your home. 

  • Excessive condensation
  • Improper or damaged drainage systems
  • Poorly maintained or improperly installed gutters
  • Cracks in the foundation or walls of your home/basement

Methods of BasementWaterproofing:

Exterior Waterproofing

In this method, the plumber will first excavate the foundation of your basement to inspect it for cracks. After repairing any weak spots, cracks, or such, they will apply a sealer. A dimpled membrane is wrapped around the foundation and a new footer drain is installed. 

To complete the job, they will replace the soil and gravel. Lastly, they will inspect the system to ensure that it properly drains away from your home to prevent flooding and water damage. Exterior waterproofing is the best defense against surface water.

Interior Waterproofing

For this method, an interior footer drain is installed in a trench surrounding the footer. This will cause the water to drain down to the proper drainage point. In most cases, a sump pump is installed to make sure the water flow is sufficient. Once the plumber has completed this process, they will cover the drainage system with gravel and cement. Interior waterproofing is recommended for those homes with groundwater issues.

Combination Waterproofing

As the name suggests, this method combines the above two methods of waterproofing. This is recommended for those homes that do not have outdoor access from the basement area. As such, it is also the best way to protect your home from both groundwater and surface water.

Contact DrainCom if you have any further questions about what is waterproofing. One of our expert plumbers can meet with you in your home to determine which method is the best for your home. Call us today to schedule an appointment for waterproofing as well as any other plumbing issues.

How Much Do Plumbers Make in Canada? This & Other Facts about Plumbing Jobs

Have you seriously considered a career in plumbing? Do you find yourself wondering, “How much do plumbers make in Canada?”

The following article contains insightful information about the salary and training for a career for plumbers Toronto. Keep reading if you are interested in this exciting and lucrative line of work.

How Much Do Plumbers Make in Canada?

In case you were wondering, “How much do plumbers make in Ontario?”, here is the lowdown. The average salary for a plumber in Ontario falls somewhere between C$54,080 and C$72,800. Keep in mind, however, that you will have to work several years as an apprentice before you can make that kind of money. 

Working as a plumber can be physically challenging and involves working both inside and outdoors in all types of weather conditions. However, it is a rewarding career that will always be in high demand.

How to Obtain a Career as a Plumber in Canada

Following is the path you need to take to get a career in plumbing in Ontario:

  1. Obtain at least a 4-year degree from a reputable secondary school. A strong understanding of mathematics is imperative in a plumbing career, so some post-secondary education may be required.
  2. Contact a plumbing agency that is willing to take on an apprentice. You should submit your application to the union or employer directly and sign a training contract or contract of apprenticeship with both a party from the Apprenticeship Board in your province and your new employer.
  3. Complete 9,000 hours (approx 4.5 years) as an apprentice. This will be a combination of on-the-job and classroom training. The bulk of the education process consists of practical learning under the direction of a qualified and experienced plumber. The first year of the apprenticeship will consist of about 80% classroom instruction. This can be obtained at an approved training facility or university. 
  4.  With a minimum score of 70%, you must pass the Certification of Qualification trade certification examination. You must possess extensive knowledge of most plumbing systems as well as the familiarity with relevant codes. You must pass a background check and provide up-to-date references for all past and present work experience.
  5. Pass the Red Seal Plumbing Exam. This is administered by the CCDA (Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship). An interprovincial program will allow you to work as a plumber anywhere in Canada without having to be recertified. To prepare for this exam, you must obtain a copy of the NOA (National Occupational Analysis), which outlines any topics that will be addressed in the exam.

****If you have a minimum of 9,000 hours of experience as a plumber, you can complete Confirmation of Work Experience form, along with an application, to the province. This must include a detailed description of relevant experience. In addition, someone with more than 5 years of experience in construction with some industry-related courses may also apply for this certification.

Contact DrainCom if you have further questions similar to “How much do plumbers make in Canada?” or any other inquiries about how to become a plumber.

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