Call 905-238-6800 or click the image above to see if you qualify.
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The weather in Toronto can be brutal and basement flooding is an issue we all deal with. It is essential that you, as a homeowner take the steps necessary to waterproof your basement. The city of Toronto and Draincom want to help you. The Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Rebate Program is here to assist you. It’s also called The Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program, but they both mean the same thing. Let’s dive into the steps to secure this vital support.
Step 1: What Basement Flooding Protections Are Covered by the Subsidy?
The Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program extends a helping hand by covering essential basement flooding protection installations to mitigate flooding risks. These include:
- Sump Pump Installation: A crucial tool for water management in your basement. It also covers backup power installation and sump pump alarm installation. The City offers a subsidy of up to 80% of the invoiced cost, up to a maximum of $1,750.
- Backwater Valve Installation: To prevent sewage backflow during heavy rainfall. It also covers the installation of a backwater valve alarm. The City offers a subsidy of up to 80% of the invoiced cost, up to a maximum of $1,250.
- Pipe Severance and Capping: An effective measure to disconnect the foundation drain from the city’s sewer system. The City offers a subsidy of up to 80% of the invoiced cost, up to a maximum of $400.
Step 2: Eligibility Criteria for the Basement Flooding Protection Rebate
Are you eligible for this program? Eligibility revolves around: (This is directly from the City of Toronto website.
- You must be the registered owner of a single-family residential, duplex, triplex or fourplex property within the City of Toronto.
- The property must not have exceeded the lifetime maximum subsidy amount for each eligible installation.
- The subsidy is available only to existing homes, not homes in the planning stages or under construction.
- The downspouts from the property’s eavestrough must be disconnected from the City’s sewer system or you must have applied to the City for an exemption.
- All front yard paved areas of the property, including parking pads, must comply with the City’s Zoning By-law requirements.
- You must submit your application within one year of completion of the installation of the flood protection device.
- Your contractor(s) and any sub-contractor(s) who performed the installation of flood prevention device(s) must possess a valid license from the City of Toronto for the installation work, at the time of installation. Draincom is licensed and insured to do the work and offers a free inspection.
- Original invoices from the licensed contractor(s) and any sub-contractor(s) who performed the installation of the flood prevention device(s) must be provided with your application.
- You must not have any outstanding taxes or debts owed to the City of Toronto at the time your application is processed.
- Submitting an application does not guarantee a subsidy. Subsidies are issued on a “first-come, first-serve” basis, and are subject to annual funding approved by City Council.
Step 3: Obtain a Free Inspection from Draincom
Before embarking on any installations, a thorough basement inspection is key. Draincom offers free assessments to identify what your basement needs for optimal waterproofing. Our technicians will help you understand the process from beginning to end and if you choose us to do the work, we will provide you with all of the paperwork you need to apply for the Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Rebate.
Step 4: Choosing a Licensed Contractor is Required to Qualify For the Rebate
To qualify for the subsidy, the sump pump installation or backwater valve installation work must be conducted by licensed professionals. Draincom, a licensed contractor, not only ensures quality workmanship but also adherence to the program’s guidelines. To get a free inspection, call us at 905-238-6800 or fill out this contact form.
Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Rebate Guide Infographic
The infographic includes all of the steps you need to take to apply for the Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Rebate.
This infographic you will with more details about applying for the subsidy from the city of Toronto.
Call 905-238-6800 or click the image above.
Step 5: Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Documentation
Prepare for your subsidy application by compiling all of the required documents:
As with any subsidy, the devil is in the details. The city of Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Rebate Program is no different. You will need all of your Invoices and Contracts and proof that you had a licensed contractor do the work. You will also need Inspection Reports; Detailing what work was done and why. You will need to include The address where the installation of the flood protection device(s), (Sump pump installation or backwater valve installation), occurred, the name and address of the licensed basement flooding protection contractor, details and itemization of each applicable flood prevention device installed and its installation cost separately on the invoice(s) of the licensed contractor who performed the work. Include the total amount paid, clearly marked “paid in full” and the installation date of the flood protection device(s).
Step 6: Submitting Your Application for the Basement Flooding Protection Rebate
Finalize your journey by submitting your application to the Toronto Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program’s official website. Ensure all documents are in order for a smooth process. The direct link to the application for the Toronto Basement Flooding Protect Rebate is right here.
Draincom is your trusted partner in this journey.